Friday, August 30, 2024

Globalists and Global Warming

The Globalist Agenda Behind Climate Change: Analyzing the Paris Agreement and Its Economic Implications

Globalists, like those at the World Economic Forum (WEF) led by Klaus Schwab, have weaponized the issue of "climate change" as a means to push for global governance and curtail economic growth in wealthy Western nations. Schweikart argues that the climate change agenda, embodied in international agreements such as the United Nations' Paris Agreement, is less about environmental protection and more about advancing a socio-political agenda aimed at redistributing wealth and weakening capitalist economies.

Schweikart critiques the Paris Agreement, describing it as a tool for globalists to impose restrictive economic policies on Western nations under the guise of saving the planet. He questions the scientific validity of claims that human activity is the primary driver of global warming, suggesting instead that natural factors, such as the Earth's relationship with the sun, could be responsible. Schweikart also raises the possibility that a warmer Earth might not be as catastrophic as claimed and could even have some benefits.

In the U.S., Schweikart points to the Obama administration’s decision to join the Paris Agreement without Senate ratification as an overreach, reflecting the influence of globalist ideology. He contrasts this with President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the agreement, which Schweikart views as a defense of American sovereignty and economic interests. However, he notes that President Biden quickly reversed Trump’s actions, rejoining the Paris Agreement and proposing even more aggressive goals, such as decarbonizing the power sector by 2035 and achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Schweikart argues that Biden’s plans are economically disastrous and logistically unfeasible, requiring massive investments in infrastructure, an unprecedented expansion of the power grid, and a significant increase in the engineering workforce. He estimates that these initiatives would cost trillions of dollars, result in job losses, and severely impact the GDP and household incomes. Furthermore, Schweikart highlights the impracticality of relying on renewable energy sources like wind and solar, noting their intermittency and the enormous backup required from non-renewable sources to maintain a stable power supply.

On the global stage, Schweikart criticizes countries like China and India for continuing to increase coal production and setting minimal emissions reduction targets, which he views as evidence that the Paris Agreement is not genuinely about reducing global emissions. Instead, he argues, the agreement is part of a broader globalist agenda to weaken Western economies while allowing developing nations to continue polluting.

Schweikart concludes by asserting that the climate change movement, as promoted by globalists, is based on a fraudulent hypothesis with no solid scientific foundation. He views it as a tool to undermine capitalism and impose a one-world government, rather than a genuine effort to address environmental issues.

Source: Schweikart, L. (2024). A Patriot's History of Globalism: Its Rise and Decline [Kindle iOS version]. Retrieved from

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