The US says hello world - Alex Huxol

Social media is on the rise and one big form of social media is Skype. Skype is a software application that allows users to make voice calls over the Internet and use the webcam for visuals. This is something that business can and are using to cut the cost of communicating. “The majority of Skype's 405 million registered users are consumers, but about 30 percent of them also use the service for business, the company has said. Most of these business users have been small or medium-sized companies looking to keep costs down” (Reardon, 2009) Skype is an easy cheap way to communication all over the country and to other countries. In public relations communicating quickly is very important and to be cheap is a huge plus with the economic downfall right now. Users tend to say that they really like this social media, it is an easy way to talk to people daily that they normally only talk to every once in a while because of long distance charges. My roommate last year was dating someone that lived in Florida and she discovered Skype was a very easy fast way to talk to him. You can talk to each other face to face as well so it made her feel like she was with him every day. The only complaints I have heard are that it sometimes cuts out and drops your call but it is very easy to reconnect and start your conversation again. Others have said that the voice quality is sometimes poor. Over the entire consensus is that Skype is a great way of communication for a cheap price (free).
Marguerite Reardon. (2009, March 23). Skype gunning for business call-cost assault.
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