minutes each to help PR professionals better understand their
profession. Episodes include:
"The Future of Web & TV News" - What impact will dramatic downsizing
at newsrooms nationwide have on the future of Web & TV News? What
opportunities does that present to you as a professional communicator?
Find out more in this segment, where we share insights gleaned from
this year's annual conference of the Radio-Television News Directors
Association. Medialink executive and RTNDA board member Mike Cavender
shares his observations.
"Video and Social Media: The Consumer Perspective" - In this industry,
there's a lot of discussion on video and social media, but what's the
consumer perspective? And what does that mean to you as a professional
communicator? Check out this installment as we approach communications
from the consumer's experience.
"Web Video: Endless Possibilities" - We are a visual society. People
want to "see," more than they want to "read." And the possibilities
are endless. Join us on this episode where we break down how you can
take advantage of this exciting and highly versatile medium.
"Cross-Platform Media: The Time is Now" - Americans are consuming more
media across the Web, Television and Radio. This means that as
professional communicators, you need to consider executing your
campaigns cross-platform. What's that mean? Join us on this episode to
learn more.
"Sweeps: SMTs Break Through" - Sweeps used to be one of the hallmarks
of the television season: hyped new network entertainment series,
investigative local news reports, celebrities galore. Not so much
anymore, as we explain in this segment, in addition to other insights
on how the business of television has changed and how PR pros can
achieve better SMT success.
"DTV and PR: What's the Impact?'' - It's no secret that the DTV
transition, now scheduled for June 12, is causing confusion for
consumers – but what about PR pros? This episode quickly and clearly
clarifies what you need to know.
"HD vs. SD: Facts for PR Pros" - Choosing between HD (high-definition)
and SD (standard-definition) can be a tough decision to make, but it
doesn't have to be a confusing one. This episode will have you walking
away feeling much more assured on understanding the key differences to
help you better evaluate your next decision.