Friday, September 25, 2009

NBC's "Great Experiment" -- Leno's Prime-Time Talk Show -- Launches Loud but Fades Fast: But Leno's "Brand" is Adaptable

by Brooke Shanholtz

NBC recently shifted Jay Leno's Prime Time Talk Show to an earlier
time. His Talk show now airs at 10/9 central which used to be filled
with drama. This was a huge risk by NBC but not necessarily a bad one.

On the premiere of Jay Leno's new time slot 18.4 million viewers tuned
in. A week later that number has dropped to a third of that amount. I
am not surprised at all with these statistics. I personally have never
consistently watched the Jay Leno talk show, but I even tuned in the
first night; and not because of the appearance of artist Kanye West. I
tuned in because of the consistent marketing tactics prior to the
shows premiere.

The advertisement for Jay Leno's new time spot was remarkable. It
grabbed the attention of viewers and caused much anticipation. The
commercial advertisement was played consistently a couple weeks prior
to the changing of the time slot. The TV spot grabbed my attention, as
well as the rest of the countries, and I was sure to tune in on the
first night of the new time slot. But I do have to admit, like
millions of others, I have not tuned in for the talk show since. It's
not that I did not like it; there are just other programs I would
prefer to watch during that time.

Even with the dramatic decrease in the number of viewers critics still
say not to count Leno out yet. "His is a strong and powerful American
brand, and NBC made a smart marketing move to shift him to an earlier
time slot, Forbes reports. His average viewer is much happy to be able
to tune in earlier in the evening and still get up with the birds."
Forbes also points out that it was a good lesson in brand management
showing that brands respond to shifts in consumer attitudes.

(2009, September 24). BULLDOG REPORTER'S DAILY DOG. Retrieved from

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