Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Social Media in the Workplace

Facebook, twitter and youtube have become used everyday in the workplace. Smart companies are looking for ways to use Social Media to improve their business. There is the argument of the pros and cons of using social media in the workplace. It can increase company awareness and employee morale. A lot of managers would say this outweighs the amount of time that might be wasted on social media. Ford’s chief social networking guru, Scott Monty gives good advice to managers when he says letting employees use social networks allows them to “be powerful advocates”. This is very true, but Monty also points out that it is important not to share secrets with employees that are using social media for it could end up harming your organization.

For more information visit http://www.freep.com/article/20100517/NEWS01/5170319/1001/rss01

Montemurri, Patricia. (2010, May 17). Facebook, Twitter, Youtube come to work. Employers look for ways to use social media sites. Retrieved from http://www.freep.com/article/20100517/NEWS01/5170319/1001/rss01

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