Friday, December 18, 2009

Bonus Restrictions Aren't Just for Corporate Execs: New Survey Shows Holiday Festivities and Bonuses Will Be In Short Supply at Most U.S. Companies

By: Roseanna Sonnenfeld

      According to results of a new survey, less than one quarter of American companies plan to give workers a holiday bonus this year.  This is a record low that is down almost 20% from last year.  These holiday bonuses are referring to traditional bonuses that companies often hand out to all employees.  Companies are also scaling back on holiday parties, if they're having one at all.  These bonuses are ones that basically magically fall out of the air at the end of the year based on an employer's desire to say thank you. 

      I think that not giving out holiday bonuses is the right thing to do for the companies that are doing this.  It is just a smart idea with the way the economy is going.  If not giving out holiday bonuses are going to help employees throughout the year with their income then it is all worthwhile.  They may not be getting a bonus but that does not mean that they are not going to get paid at all.  It will just be an eye opener for them as to how they need to be spending their money more carefully during the holiday season.  Not only will it be beneficial to the employees because of the income throughout the year but it will also be a benefit for the employers because they will feel a little more assured with the amount of money they have or that they are not giving away as bonuses. 


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